Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oregon Trail

Wyoming was weird. It was also beautiful, but mostly weird. A truck stop and oil refinery were about the only signs of life we saw, and the rest was a mixture of desert plains and mountains. The drive into Salt Lake City was really nice, more huge rock walls lining the descending highway. We barely saw much of the city; Kilby Court was just off the highway on a street that had a bit of LA charm. We played in a small converted garage next to a fire pit. Our friend in Silver Antlers ( did a killer set as well.

The next day we drove to Boise and stayed with a couchsurfer and his friends. Didn't play here, but heard our host tear through a piano piece half-drunk and met some great people. In the morning we did a huge drive to Seattle. The ride near the city was incredible, we went downhill for what seemed like forever through enormous mountains and pines. None of us had been to the northwest, and we all really liked the feel of Seattle. We had excellent Ethiopian food and played at an awesome DIY space called The Holy Mountain (Black Lodge) with some awesome bands. There were alot of people as well, and this was our first show with Religious Girls. We saw the city a bit the next day before going down to Portland. Portland has been one of our favorite spots yet. We stayed with a friend in an awesome neighborhood that literally has a VW bus parked on every block. Our first show was at the Artisery with RG and Neal Morgan, a drummer/vocalist who plays with Joanna Newsom. We got to play the next night in Portland as well, so we spent the day in town and in a huge park. This night we played at the Wail with Summer Blonds and Carson McWhirter, a super-shredding guitarist from The Advantage and Hella.

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